In a caring & positive environment, SAIPU College will provide education to empower the students to recognize & optimize their full potential, to achieve personal standards of excellence in academic performance as well as in supportive areas of physical, cultural and social development; inculcating civic and human values.
To empower our students to recognize & optimize their full potential; by fostering a family environment where educational, social, cultural, ethical & emotional needs are addressed through a holistic program, offered with the partnership afforded by staff, students & community at large, to provide world-class education.
- 26 of our students have passed JEE Mains in 2019.
- 130 students have qualified in NEET in 2019.
- 2 Students of our college have been selected for prestigious KISHORE VAIGYANIK PROTSAHAN YOJANA in 2018 & 2019.
- More than 50% of our students have got into Prestigious Engineering Colleges through K-CET in 2019.